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Paths of Liguria’s “Ponente”: from Tovo Faraldi to Villa Faraldi



Tovo Faraldi stretches along the crest in a position that offers a splendid view all over the Valley.

Many foreigners elected Tovo as their home and renovated the houses with extreme care.

From the higher part of the village starts the mule track to the crest. Whoever walks the watershed between the Diano’s Gulf and Val Merula enjoys the splendid view surrounded by the Mediterranean vegetation.

This way, one reaches Villa Faraldi, a village with a compact urban structure and narrow alleys that intersects with each other. Here it is possible to admire the church of San Lorenzo, which has a richly plastered façade. In July the churchyard hosts the theatre plays from the Festival.

Walking through the paved county road it is possible to go back to Tovo Faraldi.

Distance: approx. 8 km

Altitude gap: 300 m

Length: approx. 2 hours and 30 minutes

Go to Paths in “Ponente”

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