Paths of Liguria’s “Ponente”: circuit of Tovo Faraldi for road bicycles

Starting from Tovo Faraldi (345 MASL) one cycles through the villages of Tovetto and Villa Faraldi. Heading right ones continues uphill towards Deglio Faraldi (356 MASL), distance 4.5 km.
From Deglio Faraldi, cycling the SP downhill (5 km) one can reach the village of Molino del Fico. Going through a flat distance (1 km) it is possible to cross the Steria brook, reaching Borgata San Simone. From here the road goes again uphill, towards the village of Chiappa (250 MASL) (5 km) and continues through a panoramic part which overlooks the whole Golfo Dianese (3km) and eventually heads back to Tovo Faraldi.
Itinerary: approx. 18.5 km
Altitude gap: approx. 350 m
Some pictures
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