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“…Estimations from 1643 finally provide precise information also about the consistency of olive oil mills in the valley. A few decades earlier however, it is already possible to find indications about the Faraldi’s olive oil business. In their area, 38 mills result active during the winter season of 1577-78: 13 located in Villa, 8 in Riva, 14 in Tovo, 3 in Tovetto and none in Deglio. The olive oil mills from the lower valley were decisively more numerous. In 1612 a census in Cervo registered 105 mills. By 1643 the number has risen only to 109…”

“…In the census it is possible to find also 11 watermills: 2 in Buffa, 2 in Vallone del Molino, 4 in Vallone del Giazzo and 3 in the locality called “Della Oltra”. The watermills registered in 1612 were 13, however it is noted that 2 of them could not access to the amount of water necessary for their proper activity. Presumably the two buildings were abandoned by the time of the second census…”

“…Unfortunately no trace has been found of further real estate registrations in the valley, and new information is dated to the end of the 18 th Century. Other sources are however available to reconstruct the modifications of the agrarian landscape that took place in the following decades. Such modifications were mainly caused by the expansion of the olive oil business in the area. The most exhaustive documentation available refers to the so-called “olive oil tax”. Such taxation was instituted by the Republic of Genoa to safeguard the economical necessities of the city. It was proportionate to the productive potential of each community and each farmer’s business. Olive oil was therefore sold at a price prearranged by the Magistrature of Genua. In January 1589, 158 people from Cervo declared 581 barrels. In March 1594 the declared barrels sent to Genoa were 438, 182 of the year’s production and 9 of the previous years…”

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